
[STC - 223 / 223, STC
Specials - 20 / 22]
France - 5 / 7, STC Germany - 0 / 17, STC Holland - 0 / ??, STC Italy - 0
/ ??]
22/02/06 |
After a discussion with Pennywise a
while back we both agreed that STC-Archive will no longer have a
section for STC-Online.
- Ezekiel |
22/01/06 |
Added Sonic the Hedgehog Promo that
Pennywise has scanned in the other specials page.
- Ezekiel |
01/11/05 |
Added issue 237 of STC Online and Issue
1-5 of Sonic Mag the French version of STC.
- Ezekiel |
- 11:30AM |
All issues now online thanks to Tails
Kicks-Ass Net. Also added new section for Fleetway collection
- Ezekiel |
- 1:30AM |
Issue 51-75 are now online, the STC-Online
issues have all been updated to include all extra content that was
missing and the STC-Online Poster Mag has been put online in cbr
format. STC-Archive forums
have been opened check link in the menu.
- Ezekiel |
22/10/05 |
Issue 194-223 are now online, also added
Stephen Bliss's Website to the links page thanks to
Matthew Gregg for the
- Ezekiel |
16/10/05 |
Issue 191-193 are now online not that
theres much to them. Issue 1-193 and all Special editions.
- Ezekiel |
15/10/05 |
Finally Poster Mag 8 is now online
thanks to Luke Fletcher, now we have all STC Special editions
- Ezekiel |
14/10/05 |
I've fixed issue 41, issue 185 to 190
have been put online and cover scans have been put online for issue
185 to 223. Also issue 236 of STC Online has been converted into cbr
format and is now online.
- Ezekiel |
13/10/05 |
I've rotated the issues online issue
26-50 are now online.
- Ezekiel |
13/09/05 |
I've rotated the issues online issue
1-25 are now online.
- Ezekiel |
26/08/05 |
Sorry that I haven't updated the site in
ages, but we now have both of Pennywise's Sonic fan fics online in
the Articles section and I've fixed a few minor problems with the
- Ezekiel |
19/06/05 |
Issue 126-184 are online now also I
have uploaded fixed versions of issue 34 & 35, I'll
be back in a month or two and then I'll get started on packing
issue 185-223.
Ezekiel |
18/06/05 |
We now have Summer Special 1994
online thanks to Amalion. I will be going to Italy soon for a
while but I'll try to get more issues online before I go.
Ezekiel |
10/06/05 |
The first article is now online:
Sonic The Comic Issue Synopsis (V.1) by
Pennywise. I'm busy at the moment but here's a status update:
Sonic the Comic - Issue 126-149
(Scanned awaiting packing)
Sonic the Comic - Issue 150-184
(Packed and ready)
Sonic the Comic - Issue 185-223
(Scanning in progress)
Sonic Summer Special 1994
(Scanned awaiting packing)
Sonic Poster Mag 8 (No copy
I'll be back in a weeks time.
Ezekiel |
30/05/05 |
Issue 101-125 are now online
including the last of the Sonic's World, Amy & Tekno and Captain
Plunder stories. Also issue 1-125 can now be got on bit-torrent.
Also the cbr version of STC-O 235 in online as well.
Ezekiel |
09/05/05 |
Summer special 95 & 99 are now
online although Summer 99 has no actual comics just the cover
and poster extras. Also issue 1-100 can now be got on
Ezekiel |
04/05/05 |
Issue 76-100 now online but the rest
of the issues are now offline and will be until I finalize a
plan for supplying them without exceeding the monthly bandwidth
Ezekiel |
08/04/05 |
Yet another mega update today issue
51 -
75 are
online now. Also online is Poster Mag #9. If you want the new
releases and know how to use bit torrent then please go over to
Sonic On
the.Net and get them there as our bandwidth is running quite
high for this time of the month. Thank You well I'll probably be
back in a week for another huge update.
Ezekiel |
31/03/05 |
Another mega update today issue 39 -
50 are
online now. Update on progress:
Issue 51 - Almost Finished
Issue 52 - Almost Finished
Issue 53 - Almost Finished
Issue 54 - Almost Finished
Issue 55 - Almost Finished
Issue 56 - Almost Finished
Issue 57 - Almost Finished
Issue 58 - Almost Finished
Also new is issue 234 of STC Online.
Ezekiel |
28/03/05 |
Mega update today issue 29 - 38 are
online now. Update on progress:
Issue 39 - Almost Finished
Issue 40 - Almost Finished
Issue 41 - Almost Finished
Issue 42 - Almost Finished
Issue 43 - Almost Finished
Issue 44 - Almost Finished
Issue 45 - Almost Finished
Issue 46 - Almost Finished
Ezekiel |
19/03/05 |
Anyone who downloaded issue 22
will need to re-download it as there was a mistake in the file
which has been corrected now.
Ezekiel |
18/03/05 |
This has been the first sunny day in
a while and I'm in a good mood so here issue 25, 26, 27 & 28. Update of progress:
Issue 29 - Almost Finished
Issue 30 - Almost Finished
Issue 31 - Almost Finished
Issue 32 - Almost Finished
Issue 33 - Almost Finished
Issue 34 - Almost Finished
Ezekiel |
17/03/05 |
Sorry for the late update but to
make up for it we have 4 new issues for you; Issue 21, 22, 23 &
24. Update of progress:
Issue 25 - Almost Finished
Issue 26 - Almost Finished
Issue 27 - Almost Finished
Issue 28 - Almost Finished
Issue 29 - Almost Finished
Issue 30 - Almost Finished
Ezekiel |
09/03/05 |
More special editions for you today
with Yearbook 1 (1991) and Sonic Summer Special '96. Update of Progress:
Issue 21 - In Progress
Issue 22 - Almost Finished
Issue 23 - Almost Finished
Issue 24 - Almost Finished
Ezekiel |
04/03/05 |
Two issue today; issue 20 and Poster
Mag 7. Update of Progress:
Issue 21 - In Progress
Issue 22 - Almost Finished
Issue 23 - Almost Finished
Issue 24 - Assigned
Summer Special '96 - Finished
Ezekiel |
23/02/05 |
Three new issues online now; Issue
19 and Poster Mag 5 & 6. Update on progress:
Note: Sorry
about issue 19 being corrupt I don't know why it was but it
should work now. Sorry but all pdf files have now
been taken off-line.
Ezekiel |
17/02/05 |
Three new issues online now; Issue 17
& 18 and the Knuckles Knock-Out Special. Update on progress:
Issue 19 - Almost Finished
Summer Special '96 - Almost
Poster Mag 5 - Almost Finished
Poster Mag 6 - Almost FInished
Poster Mag 7 - Almost FInished
Please note that when I next update
this site I will be deleting all the
pdf files online so grab
what you want within the next few days.
Ezekiel |
14/02/05 |
Two more issues online now; Issue 15
& 16. Update on progress:
Issue 17 - In Progress
Issue 18 - Assigned
Summer Special '96 - In Progress
Knuckles Knock-Out Special -
Almost Finished
Poster Mag 5 - Almost Finished
Poster Mag 6 - Almost FInished
Ezekiel |
08/02/05 |
Issue 13 & 14 online, sorry for the
delay I've been busy recently. Update on progress:
Issue 15 - Assigned
Issue 16 - Almost Finished
Issue 17 - In Progress
Summer Special '96 - Assigned
Knuckles Knock-Out Special -
Almost Finished
Ezekiel |
03/02/05 |
Two more issues are online, Issue
11, 12. Issue 13 & 14 coming soon,
15-17 are still being scanned. Summer Special 1996 & Knuckles
Knock-Out Special are also in progress.
Ezekiel |
- New Issues |
Three more issues are online, Issue
9, 10 and Poster Mag 4 from Pennywise. Issue 10-14 coming soon,
15-17 are currently being scanned.
Ezekiel |
- 3 New CBR's |
Issue 7 & 8 are now online as well
as the STC Preview special issue given away with Prog 838 of
2000AD as well as other comics by Fleetway. Oh and by the way I
like getting feedback about the site and discussing STC related
issues but please don't ask me when the next scans will be put
online or try to get me to send you scans before they are put
online, It's quite annoying. Coming soon issue 9-14 and Poster
Mag 4.
Ezekiel |
22/01/05 |
Well issue 6 and Poster Mag #3 are now available for
download. 7-14 coming soon.
Ezekiel |
18/01/05 - Special Editions |
I've added the Eternal Champions
Special and the First Sonic the Hedgehog Yearbook to the
specials section. Just so you know what's happening: issue 6-10
are being finished off, issue 11-14 are ready but I won't
release them until issue 6-10 are released and issue 15-17 are
being scanned at the moment. Also hopefully we will have the
Sonic the Comic Preview issue available for scanning soon.
Ezekiel |
16/01/05 - Welcome |
Welcome to the third
incarnation of STC-Archive, it has taken a while to get finished
but I'm happy with the final result. A few things have changed
we have lost the Forum and the Extras section but these have
been replaced with the Articles (Coming Soon) and FAQ sections. Each issue now
has its own page although that said most of them are blank for
now as I will fill them in as they are scanned. All scans are in CBR file format including the STC-O issues and Scripts. For now
there are 5 normal issues, 2 specials and 10 online issues up
for download at the moment. In the comics section all issues have their own pages as I
said before but the ones you can download will have a boarder
around the cover thumbnail.
More issues will be coming soon.
There is a secret page hidden within STC-A if you get bored.
Ezekiel |